Prayer for Casa USA Vision
Padre Pio, you said “In every suffering man there is Jesus who suffers! In every poor man there is Jesus who is wretched! In every poor sick person there is twice Jesus, who is suffering & wretched!” You were called by God to minister to those in need in a very special way, both bodily & spiritually. He asked you to build a hospital for the poor & sick which would be a “clinic for the body & the soul”. For you “The Work”, the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, had to be more than a model clinic which heals the body. God blessed your efforts to do His will, and the Casa has prospered through His grace to become an international center in which all caregivers share in your vision & ministry. Your contemporary, Saint Mother Teresa, loved the poor & sick with a passion beyond compare, and dedicated her life to their care. You & your sister have called us to this “Work” of ours…to replicate the model of the Casa, built on your love of Jesus in the poor & sick. Dear Padre Pio & Mother Teresa, please intercede to our Heavenly Father & Blessed Mother to make us humble & worthy instruments to fulfill the dream expressed by the founders of the Casa:
“The Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza should therefore be the first link in a great chain. It should be the model for many other, innumerable Casas with the same name, and above all the same spirit, which must bring Love to all of humanity. A program which would make us tremble with awe, if it was not inspired by God who is above all Love!”
We ask this in the name of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.