St. Pio Medical School planned for Michigan

NEWS PROVIDED BYCatholic Healthcare InternationalJune 17, 2024ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 17, 2024 /Christian Newswire/ -- With renewed devotion, Jere Palazzolo, the Founder of the Saint Padre Pio Institute for the…


Last week, we discussed the issue of death-crazed Minnesota removing protection for children born alive after surviving an attempted abortion.(1) We noted that, given the administration’s desire for all abortion, all the time, and the relaxing of safeguards around abortion pills, we can expect to see a lot more dead children in dumpsters and alleyways soon. Recall the pro-abortion cheerleaders say that, 1: late-term abortions never happen and, 2:

Why Didn’t Someone do Something?

The Minnesota legislature and Walz administration have now made Minnesota one of the most rabidly pro-abortion jurisdictions in the entire world. The unborn have been reclassified as “subjects without citizenship rights” and they are not protected even after birth. The One Minnesota bill removed language in the law requiring medical providers to preserve the life and health of an infant born alive as a result of a failed abortion.

Binary Choices

Gentle readers, an occasional issue that some of you have with this blog is that it can be too political. We understand that. Today’s piece is the most political of all. If you are uncomfortable with that, please click away now and we will see you next week. For those of you still here, buckle up buttercup.

The New Cassandras

Too often in medicine, we focus on interim “successes” rather than outcomes. There are various therapies in use that make patients look and feel better, but only temporarily. In the end, the patients suffer the same fate as if the therapy was never used at all, but it has added thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars to a hospital bill.

Junk Science and Falling Skies

Following the Dobbs decision, the pro-abortion cheerleaders and their accomplices, the drive-by media, have gone into fully full-on Chicken Little mode. A simple court decision, correcting Roe v Wade, that even liberal superheroine Ruth Bader Ginsburg said was “bad law”(1), has been twisted into a fascist assault on women, at least as bad, or even worse than The Handmaid’s Tale.

Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Laila There once was a physician who evaluated people for their fitness and ability. Those found unfit were sent in one direction, those found to be “fit” or “worthy” were sent in another. The unfit were killed, while the fit were allowed to live. Over time, an entire race of people, those unfit, were practically exterminated. To this day, in the country where this took place, very few of these “unfit” can be found.

The Mis-education of American Medicine

Catholic Healthcare International is developing a faithful Catholic medical school, which will be an independent institution, co-located on the campus of Benedictine College, in Atchison, Kansas, just outside of Kansas City. Among the questions asked about this venture is, why?