It was the vision of the original Founders to develop a worldwide network of Padre Pio’s hospitals to touch the lives of those in need everywhere. This dream was very eloquently articulated in 1950 by Dr. Guglielmo Sangguinetti, Padre Pio’s first Director of Implementation of the Casa:
“The Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza should therefore be the first link in a great chain. It should be the model for many other, innumerable Casa’s with the same name and above all the same spirit, which must bring love to all of humanity. A program which would make us tremble with awe, if it was not inspired by God who is above all love!”
Catholic Healthcare International was incorporated in July 2004 on an inspiration from Padre Pio to be the vehicle to implement this vision. After several years of prayer, discernment, preparation and foundational work, a formal Collaboration Agreement was signed on October 1st, 2009 with the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza to begin the work of duplicating Homes for the Relief of Suffering around the world.
Collaboration Agreement Objectives:
- Duplicate Padre Pio’s Home ForThe Relief of Suffering in the United States and other areas around the world.
- Emulate the structure, name, operation, organization, etc. as closely as possible to that of Padre Pio’s Casa.
- Maintain absolute loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- Operate the new network of Casa’s as “Clinics for the Body & the Soul” for our “guests” (From the words of Padre Pio).
Catholic Healthcare International (CHI) is committed to serving the Livingston County community.
On May 24, 2024, a purchase agreement between Catholic Healthcare International (CHI) and Trinity Health Michigan was signed. CHI will take possession in mid-2026.
While we will collaborate with Trinity to maintain some essential on-site services, state regulations, including the Michigan Certificate of Need, restrict our ability to operate a traditional acute care hospital.
To fulfill our mission of healing inspired by St. Padre Pio, a dual healing ministry in both physical and spiritual care, CHI will transform the Howell facility into the Home for the Relief of Suffering Medical Center in 2026.
This center will:
- Open a Center for Unborn Children with an embryo orphanage
- Implement a Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured, Center for Neurologic Rehabilitation & Cognitive Enhancement
- Provide a comprehensive faithful Catholic primary care family practice clinic
- Lease space to Trinity Health to continue some support services to the local community
- House the Saint Padre Pio Institute for the Relief of Suffering, School of Osteopathic Medicine(proposed)
We are currently investigating several additional possibilities:
- Low-risk birthing center
- Other services permitted by regulatory authorities and consistent with our vision to provide faithful Catholic care in support of the dignity of life
Jere Palazzolo, President and Founder of CHI, stated, “This is the location the Holy Spirit has called us to, and we praise God for His faithfulness in showing us the direction and location He seeks. St. Pio’s model of healthcare provides, as St. Pio stated, a “Cathedral of Love to serve the twice Jesus in the poor and sick, a healing place where patients, doctors, and priests will serve as reserves of love.” Palazzolo continued, “St. Pio’s charism of care will bring healing to the body, mind and spirit of the patients served by the St. Pio physicians who will be trained at what will be the Nation’s most faithful Catholic Medical School. More details will be forthcoming as implementation plans progress.”
We invite philanthropists to join us in realizing this vision of compassionate care for body, mind, and spirit.
Help us fulfill St. Pio’s dream, Donate today.
For information on legacy donations and naming opportunities, contact Ann O’Reilly, (aoreilly@chi-usa.com).

Ultimately, it is the goal of this Collaboration Agreement to duplicate the model of Catholic healthcare, executed so successfully by Padre Pio and his successors, for those in need of relief from suffering in various other areas of the world.