New Catholic med school draws inspiration from Padre Pio
THE PILLAR | November 15, 2022 | By Charlie ComasyFrom abortion to assisted suicide to in vitro fertilization, moral challenges in the field of medicine abound in the United States.The…
THE PILLAR | November 15, 2022 | By Charlie ComasyFrom abortion to assisted suicide to in vitro fertilization, moral challenges in the field of medicine abound in the United States.The…
In the popular media, particularly following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we are inundated with the assertion that “abortions save lives” the implication being, if women are unable to get an abortion on demand, there will literally be bodies in the streets.
Defending the indefensible is hard. In fact, it is impossible, hence the term, “indefensible”. Because the concept of “abortion on demand, for any reason”, is indefensible, the pro-abortion lobby buries itself in euphemisms and distractions to obfuscate the fact that the vast majority of abortions are the elective termination of a human life for no compelling reason whatsoever.
NEW YORK POST | October 28, 2022 | By Ashley Carnahan Medical assistance in dying (MAID) has been available in Canada since 2016 and is set to expand in March…
One of the most common positions taken by those trying to equivocate on abortion is the, “I am personally pro-life/choice, but the decision is private and best left between a woman and her doctor” (or “physician”, if one is trying to add dramatic gravitas to the proposition). This is frequently taken by politicians attempting to gain favor from all sides of the issue.
TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT | October 27, 2022 Euthanasia program is what happens when autonomy goes nuts: Charles Camosy Creighton School of Medicine professor Charles Camosy joined 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to…
Whether one calls it a child, fetus, embryo or clump of cells, at conception, the fertilized ovum is undoubtedly a human life. It is clearly alive and clearly human, albeit at a very early and unrecognizable stage. That early stage, however, does not make it any less human.
Feb, 24, 2020. Church Today, Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana: Since On Thursday, March 19, Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church in Alexandria will celebrate a High Holy Mass…
Terri's memory will be honored on April 2, 2020, with a Memorial Mass celebrated by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Allen Vigneron, followed by a special presentation…
Join thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena, Tuesday, January 21 – Wednesday, January 29. Get daily intentions, brief reflections, and more. Sign up at! 9 Days…