Padre Pio believed the commitment of science to treating the sick must never be separated from faith in God. But that is the current state of healthcare. 

Until now.

Catholic Healthcare International is the only entity directly called by this great saint to replicate his healing charism.

We are the only entity with the full support of Cardinal Burke praying for and encouraging a truly faithful medical center and medical school.

We are the only entity, because of our foundation of prayer and calling, that will never bend a knee to the secular world or pressure from the lukewarm to water-down Catholic morality. 

And Saint Pio is calling for your help to make this happen.

The Nation's Most Faithful Catholic Medical School

For I have come to bring fire upon the earth.

Luke 12:49


Padre Pio’s Home for the Relief of Suffering Hospital is a world-renowned international referral hospital, considered one of the best in its class. It is also a model of truly faithful Catholic healthcare delivery in a very secular world.

This Vatican-owned hospital executed a formal Collaboration Agreement with Catholic Healthcare International (CHI) to replicate Padre Pio’s charism of healthcare in the US. The Home For The Relief Of Suffering, is “Beacon of Light“ in a secularized culture which continues to slip further each year from its Christian foundation.

As Padre Pio said, we will build a “Cathedral of Love”, “A Clinic for the Body & the Soul”, to serve the “Twice Jesus” in the poor and the sick. We will answer the call expressed by by the Director originally chosen by Padre Pio to build his hospital in Italy: 

“The Home for the Relief of Suffering should therefore be the first link in a great chain. It should be the model for many other innumerable Home’s with the same name and above all the same spirit, which must bring love to all of humanity. A program which would make us tremble with awe if it was not inspired by God who is above all Love!

– Dr. Guglielmo Sanguinetti 1950

The Home for the Relief of Suffering should therefore be the first link in a great chain. It should be the model for many other innumerable Home's with the same name and above all the same spirit, which must bring love to all of humanity. A program which would make us tremble with awe if it was not inspired by God who is above all Love!

You have been called. 

You can make all the difference in the world with your support.


Or check ou tthe Legacy Giving Opportunities below:

Along with your generous donations, the St. Pio Medical School has a critical need of support from large foundations. We’re seeking support to fund a $50 million escrow account required by the accreditor (the funds remain managed by the foundation).

Here’s the good news: Upon graduation of our first class, the entire amount will be released, along with all accrued interest. This presents a unique opportunity for a purpose-driven foundation to make a significant impact on our culture without deviating from its stated mission.

If you’re aware of any foundations or donors that align with our goals, we’d be grateful for an introduction.

For major gifts, call 636-220-6550, email, or mail to 906 Kingsridge Ct., Wildwood, MO 63021

To give now:

Email for more information.